Avail Light Client Installation

1 min readApr 4, 2024


Hi guys. I’m following airdrop news everyday and I’m trying to write here when there is a nice opportunity for you. Today I have installed Avail Light Node to get airdrop from Avail

I have Google Cloud Free Trial ($300). You can get one if you want. I created an instance with these features: 2 cpu, 2 ram 60gb balanced disk

After that use these codes in order:

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
sudo apt install curl build-essential pkg-config libssl-dev git wget jq make gcc chrony -y

screen -S avail
curl -sL1 avail.sh | bash

If you want to use your own Polkadot wallet

nano ~/.avail/identity/identity.toml

Change ‘ seedphrase’ with your seed phrase. You may see different 24 words in that apostrophe.

After that you will mint NFT. I couldnt mint it yet as I’m on mobile. It wants me to be on Desktop.

Get your testnet tokens here: https://faucet.avail.tools/

If you have questions, leave it here. I will try to answer asap

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