We have new network testnet today. Dogechain is going to release a new token soon. We will test their network on MetaMask.
Let’s start
Step 1: Go to Metamask settings, click Networks and add new network.
Network Name: Dogechain testnet
New RPC URL: https://rpc-testnet.dogechain.dog
Chain ID: 568
Currency Symbol: wDOGE
Block Explorer URL: https://explorer-testnet.dogechain.dog
Fill the blanks with the information above.
Go to faucet and get some token. https://faucet.dogechain.dog After seeing the balance has increased, send me some test token. 0x00e93A147f19FD1860F0c060281d06e41C974C4a
Share your address so that I can send too. Clap for more testnets…
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