Hello everyone. Today Linea Park event of Linea network has started on Layer3.xyz. You know, we collected some LXP on activities like Voyage,Degame etc. Linea Park event will last 6 weeks and you will be able to test some ecosystem dapps on Linea.
Let’s start. Firstly, head to: https://layer3.xyz/linea-park/?ref=0x00e93A147f19FD1860F0c060281d06e41C974C4a
Connect wallet. You will see this map. You can invite your friends to complete the tasks but your friends should complete Proof of Humanity quests to make you earn XP thanks to them. Also, you can get 2x tickets if you already have some LXPs on your wallet on VIP ZONE part. You will start with WELCOME part. These quests are compulsary but you won’t earn XP here. After finishing WELCOME part, you will be able to start to RPG&MMO quest.
As first Space Falcon ecosystem is in maintenance because of an issue. I started with GamerBoom quests.
Click this button, connect your wallet and approve with your wallet on Linea Network. Enter your e-mail address, enter the code, create a new password. That’s it. Then click Verify button.
If you want to complete Bonus task too, you can mint the NFT by paying gas fee. Just keep in mind that try to complete these tasks when gwei on Ethereum is about 20–25. You would pay much less fee!
After minting and verifying, you can pass to new quest.
Head to https://play.sidusheroes.com/hub?source=lineapark
Connect your wallet
Sign with the wallet and MINT the box.
After minting, click verify and you will be redirected to new quest. Open the claimed box by clicking the link and clicking Release button and paying gas fee. Ta-taa we earned 30 more XP!
Next task is Space Falcon.
Go to task: https://spacefalcon.com/dashboard?tab=overview
Connect wallet and mint 1 NFT.
Then, click Sign In button and create an account. You can use Google, Twitter or apple login if you prefer.
Then click Add NFT to Inventory button. You need to pay 2 gas fee (two approval)
Next task is Galactic Exploration but as I’m having issue opening the game. I will update this later.
The other task is Meta Apes City: https://layer3.xyz/quests/linea-meta-apes
- Download the game for iOS: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/meta-apes/id1621913848
2. Download the game for Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mkbanana.gp
3. Connect your wallet to the game. Upgrade your level to 5.
4. Then mint an NFT here: https://plat.metaapesgame.com/blindbox/view/100002
Bonus Task: Become level 8. Visit: https://plat.metaapesgame.com/blindbox
Note: In order to upgrade level faster, you can gang more.
Click Mint a random Meta Ape NFT! button. Approve in wallet.
I will update this guide when I progress. You can complete the first part while I’m doing the rest of it and writing this guide!