Hi guys, today I will focus on Zksync ecosystem. Mute Switch is a DEX built on Zksync and you know there are some rumors Zksync will airdrop testnet users. You need to have as many tx as you can. Let’s go on testing new Dapps.
Firstly visit https://testnet.switch.mute.io/
Connect your wallet. It will automatically connect to zkSync alpha network. You need to have some testnet tokens. I can’t send ETH but I can send DAI, USDC, LINK testnet tokens if you leave your wallets on comment. If you don’t have ETH, visit this faucet.
Click Request Funds from Faucet, you need to tweet about it and you will get testnet ETH to pay fee. If it doesn’t work, you can bridge from Ethereum Goerli to zkSync here.
Go back to Mute Switch tab. Enter an amount and Approve in wallet, then Swap it like in the picture below. Keep in mind that zkSync is in alpha mode, that’s why it may be so slow.
My transaction took only a few sec. Now I can add some liquidity on Pool tab.
I clicked Manage button and entered an amount then Approve button.
That’s all we can do on Mute Switch Dex. You can do more swap here to increase your testnet tx.
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