Overeality Testnet

2 min readOct 6, 2022


Let’s join the test of Zk-Layer 0 which is being developed by Overeality. Overeity has been selected as most valuable builder by Binance Labs. Visit overeality.io for more information.

Let’s start testing now.

Go to https://overeality.io/mynft and connect your wallet. You can use any network. I have used Goerli. Upload a picture, give a name, enter a description. Select network and press Create button.

Go to https://overeality.io/mynft

Copy token contract address and id.

Go to https://overeality.io/zkbridge

Enter the informations needed and press Start Import

Select receiver blockchain. I selected BNB chain. Click approve and then Transfer button. Approve in wallet for both of them.

Wait for a while until the process is completed. When it is completed, click claim button. It will automatically promts to change network. Change and click claim button. Approve in wallet and it’s done.

I have completed the steps on mobile. It took 10 mins of me. It will take 5mins if you are on desktop. If you like the story, please clap and subscribe my channel to support.




Written by Cryptonur

Crypto enthusiast, node operator, content writer

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