Sei Network is the network I have been following for almost one year. Their ecosystem is growing day by day and Mainnet is very close. We need to follow the project and complete all steps to be eligible for airdrop.
They are holding an incentivised event at the moment. They are adding more and more tasks. Let’s start it.
Firstly visit Blocked website where we will complete tasks.
Secondly click sign up
Write email and password to signup.
Then start completing tasks. There are 6 tasks for now and new missions may come soon. Try to complete as many tasks as possible. They are free and easy.
Second thing I wanna talk about is getting Verified Seilor role on Discord. If you haven’t got this role, follow the steps in the picture below.
After the last step, you need to verify your face. Then you will see your role.
If you have any issue, please don’t hesitate to leave comment.
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