Sei Testnet 2nd NFT Mint

2 min readDec 6, 2022


Hello everyone. Today, Sei has announced 2nd NFT minting if you have 30tx since 2nd December 2022. This NFT is important because Sei is still in testnet phase and they haven’t airdropped yet. As you remember, Aptos has done the similar thing like this.

If you don’t have a Keplr or Leap Wallet, please have it now.

Go to
Connect your wallet and add Sei Testnet to your wallet automatically.
Then join Sei’s Discord to get your testnet token.
If you get your tokens, you can start trading on Vortex. Or you can start sending it to others. You can find others’ wallet addresses here. Just click any validator, copy their wallet addresses and send them 0.001 SEI or 1 UST. As it is first day of NFT, Sei blockchain is very busy and your transactions may fail. Don’t give up! Try your best. You can even use Leap Cosmos Wallet mobile app while you are working.

My address is: sei1w9fxg67ym8n7g8nafmdq4y2cfddfna5lcny870
If you want, you can leave your Sei address so that I can send you some SEI or UST.

When you have done 30tx, mint your NFT here:

Connect your wallet and Mint.

Please don’t miss this opportunity and share this with your valuable friends. Clap a few times if you really like the article.

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Written by Cryptonur

Crypto enthusiast, node operator, content writer

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