Sunrise Incentivized Testnet V2

2 min readNov 14, 2024


hi guys, a few months ago, I wrote an article about Sunrise Incentivized Testnet and in that testnet we collected some points by swapping, adding liquidity. Now we have new game in testnet v2.

In this testnet, firstly we will get RISE token from faucet. But, in order to get tokens from faucet, we need to pass Gitcoin Passport 20 point.

Go to this website and connect your EVM wallet:

Try to pass 20 point by completing tasks. I connected Binance and completed Outdid task by KYC.

After passing 20, you can connect it to Sunrise website. Then you can connect your Keplr wallet too. Everyday you can claim tokens from faucet. Swap them and put them into liquidity. You will earn vRISE which is necessary for getting Haru Yen (game token )

1 vRISe= 10.000 Haru Yen.

With these Haru Yen tokens, you will buy items to level up. It means, you get EXP by buying items to your Haru.

For example, my Haru is Level 1 now (it starts with 0)

There is a Casino in which you can increase or decrease your Haru Yen.

Also there is Lottery page

So, it is your duty to claim tokens from faucet and add it to liquidity. And it is your duty to claim your rewards from liquidity pools.


Gitcoin Passport:

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Written by Cryptonur

Crypto enthusiast, node operator, content writer

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